Background | Valerie J. Samuel, Ph.D. | Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Valerie J. Samuel, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, has extensive experience in diagnosing and treating emotional disorders in children and teenagers, in working with school districts, and in presenting to educators. Dr. Samuel's experiences include:

● Licensed Clinical Psychologist in California with specialty in children and adolescents.
● 14 years as the clinical psychologist for the Diagnostic Center, Southern California. As a part of a transdisciplinary team, Dr. Samuel provided mental health assessments for students referred to DCS by their SELPA/District.
● 10 years as a leadership team member of PENT, developing annual forums to support behavioral specialists in the districts.
● Provided presentations to cadre members on mental health issues as well as the connection between behavioral and emotional problems in schools.
● Developed Diagnostic Center webinar for school psychologists and speech language therapists on Selective Mutism.
● Presentation to school districts on mental health topics.
● Anger Management groups to adolescents.
● Clinical research in child psychopharmacology department focusing on ADHD, Anxiety, and Bipolar Disorders.
● Previous experience in California Youth Authority included supervision, training of staff, manual development. Also provided assessments, group and individual therapy.